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Portuguese Environment Agency (APA)

31 May, 2021

About us

The Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) is a public institute, within the scope of the Portuguese Environment and Climate Action Ministry.

Our mission is to propose, develop and monitor public policies for the environment and sustainable development, in an integrated and participated manner, and in close cooperation with other sectoral policies and public and private entities.
APA counts nowadays with more than 800 highly skilled employees and consultants.


Areas of Intervention

  • Air
  • Water
  • Waste
  • Climate change
  • Chemicals
  • Noise
  • Protection of ozone layer
  • Genetic Modified Organisms
  • Sustainable development
  • Citizen participation
  • Environmental assessments
  • Environmental economics and green growth
  • Environmental risks


Strategic goals

To increase the level of protection, recovery and enhancement of ecosystem
To increase the level of protection of people and goods in risk situation
To improve the knowledge and information about the environment
To reinforce public participation and to ensure the involvement of the institutions
To guarantee the excellence of performing in all assignments

Organizational chart


National Infrastructures

  • National Air Quality Reference Laboratory (Member of Network of Air Quality Reference Laboratories – AQUILA)
  • Environmental Reference Laboratory
  • Water Resources Monitoring Networks
  • Air Quality Network
  • National Radiological Early Warning Network


APA in the international fora

APA works in close cooperation with the European Environment Agency, mainly through the EIONET network, for which it is the National Focal Point (NFP). As a NFP, APA is responsible for developing and maintaining a national network of reference organisations and experts working and researching environment and sustainable development issues, identifying national sources of information, collecting data and information resulting from monitoring activities and, finally, supporting the EEA in communicating its activities in Portugal.


Relevant documentation

Access here the country's State of the Environment Reports.

Access here the country's Base Environmental Law (in portuguese only).

Access here the official powerpoint presentation.


Headquarters contacts

Rua da Murgueira, 9 - Bairro Zambujal - Alfragide
2610-124 Amadora
Phone nr: (+351) 21 472 82 00 | Fax: (+351) 21 471 90 74

Lat: 38º 44' 18,08" N | Lon: 9º 12' 27,59" W


Do you have a question for us?

Send us a message using this form. We will answer your questions as soon as possible.

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